Saturday, September 12, 2009

An Inspiring Motivation

After the stressful experienced that I have encountered, my life for me has become so worthless. It seems I wanted to die, no reason to continue. For me I have wasted it, therefore I am not worthy to have it for long. Everything I do has no meaning at all. Its better that my life has been given to someone else who are more deserving of it.

But as life continues to move on, little by little, light has its way of penetrating my darkened consciousness. It is as if telling me "Its no yet the end, its just beginning." It is as if telling me that I was given a foretaste of how it is to be inspired and fueled by abrupt emotions.

Now, the light has arrived. Seemingly not as spectacular as it should. The light gave me a little bit of spark but with a 'dead air.' Seemingly uncertain but it was the light nevertheless. A little flame dancing, attracting my eyes and my heart. It tries to touch my soul.

Going further, this flame is becoming a fire; a fire consuming my being; a fire that again fuels my energy and making it to boost and to blaze. Yeah, I am moving forward, I am trying to make great things into my reach and making it done with no feeling of being tired. But instead, I become happier than before.

Thanks to this fire, thanks to this new inspiration, thanks to this new motivation. with this I am back to own and ready to fly again.

I hope this fire shall maintain its blaze, its heat and energy.

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