Monday, September 28, 2009

Reason to Live is Life's way to reason

Life is really unpredictable, it is so mysterious and very magical. We can't say this is life or that is or this; it depends from what standpoint someone is viewing and how he perceives it. Perceptions to a reality differ from various minds. It is because reality as life if taken by someone is differently viewed or perceived. Taking the Johari's window as an example; what we know and other also know, what others know but we don't know, what we know but others don't know and what we and others do not know.

That is why Socrates was right when he said "know thyself" and having self knowledge is a process, a lifetime process consisting of the 4 windows johari illustrated. and searching for ourselves it is impossible for us not to go out of our shell. We have know others; we have to go out and explore because in doing so each person, place and event adds to the self realization. We know more about ourselves when we try to reach out to people, we harness our abilities as we encounter different events and know where we can reach as we go to places.

'Knowing thyself' therefore is not a solo endeavor but it needs a community, it requires interaction and exploration. And life as it is share the same thought as that.

That is why life continue to live; for life to know the reason why.

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